What We Do

The magic of gathering. SHPE wouldn’t be a Familia if we didn’t get together from time to time.

National Convention

UMBC staff and students representing in Salt Lake City, UT @ SHPE National Convention, 2023

What happens when you bring together over 8,000 aspiring and brilliant scientists, engineers, and mathematicians with the most influential and innovative STEM companies in the industry? A life-changing and world-shaking symposium of substantial significance. Our mission embodied in just 5 days. It is the largest gathering of its kind in the country, and is a beacon for top STEM talent.

5,300+ In-Person Attendees

250+ Workshops & Sessions

13,000+ Interviews/meetings conducted and planned


Leaders need to lead. And we’re here to help them be the best. The National Institute for Leadership Advancement (NILA) conference prepares hundreds of SHPE chapter leaders to springboard into the year, helping them align their chapter plans with SHPE’s mission and goals.

600+ Attendees in 2022

40 Leadership Development Sessions


Think global, act local. Our membership is broken up into 7 geographical regions. SHPE’s Regional Leadership Development Conferences (RLDCs) meet our members where they are at… literally. We bring national knowledge and expertise to accessible, local learning-events for members no matter where in the country they are.

1,200+ Attendees in 2022

Government Relations

In the last few years, it’s become more and more apparent that we need to be in the rooms where decisions are made. With this in mind, SHPE is committing resources to being a major player and influencer on Capitol Hill.

We support…

Policies to increase the number of Hispanic men and
women in engineering as a way to promote economic
empowerment and sustainability in their community.

Increased federal funding for initiatives aimed at boosting
the number of Latino students who pursue STEM education
and career paths, particularly engineering.

Increased targeted funding for Hispanic Serving
Institutions and other colleges and universities that are
focused on STEM opportunities for Hispanic students.